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Publications & Presentations


Mehdian, H., Summers, B., Eisenstein, S.M. Painful Scoliosis Secondary to an Osteoid Osteoma of the Rib. Clin. Orthop. 1988:230:273


Mehdian, H., MD Thesis. The Application of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of vascular Disorders. July 1975.


Mehdian, H. Early and Late Care of War Wounds in Extremities. Nat. Univ. Med J. (Tehran, Iran) 1984: Jan: 18-32.


Mehdian, H. Bone and Joint Tuberculosis. A Chapter in Tuberculosis Book, National University Publishing Corporation, Tehran, Iran, 36-68, Oct. 1988.


Mehdian, H., Jaffray, D., Eisenstein, S.M. The Dwyer/Hartshill Transpedicular Fixation for Spinal Fusion. J. Bone Joint Surg. [Br] 1989:71:689-691


O’Brien, J.P., Mehdian, H. Relevant Principles in the Management ofSpinal Disorders in Achondroplasia. In: Human Achondroplasia. Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, USA 1988


Mehdian, H., Eisenstein, S.M. Segmental Spinal Fixation using Short Closed Wire Loops. Clin. Orthop. 1989:247:90


O’Brien, J.P., Mehdian, H., Jaffray, D.Reduction of Severe Spondylolisthesis: A report of 22 cases with a ten-year follow-up period. Clin. Orthop. 1994:300:365


Mehdian, H., Shimizu, N., Eisenstein, S.M., Evans, G. Spinal Stabilization and Fusion in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Experience with various sublaminar instrumentation systems. J. Neuro. Orthop 1989:7(Oct):74-


Mehdian, H., Eisenstein, S.M. Segmental Spinal Fixation using Short Closed wire loops clinical orthopaedics,1989,vol 274;90-96


O’Brien, J.P., Mehdian, H., Jaffray, D. Reduction of Severe spondylolisthesis: A report of 22 cases with a ten-year follow-up period. Presented at the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, April 1988, Miami.


Mehdian, H., Jaffray, D., Eisenstein, S.M. Correction of Cervical Kyphosis in Ankylosing Spondylitis by Traction. Presented at the Cervical Spine Research Society Meeting, Switzerland, 1989.


Mehdian, H. Mehdian Spinal Fixation System. Video presentation at the Scoliosis Research Society Meeting, Amsterdam, Sept. 1989


Mehdian, H., O’Brien, J.P. Behavior of Posterior Cervical Osteophytes following Anterior Interbody Fusion. Presented at the British Cervical Spine Society Meeting, Bristol, Nov 1989


Mehdian, H., Weatherley, C.R., Vanden Berghe, L. Management of Metastatic Lesions of the Cervical Spine. Presented at British Cervical Spine Society Meeting, Bristol, 1989


Mehdian, H., Jaffray, D., Eisenstein, S.M. Correction of Cervical Kyphosis in Ankylosing Spondylitis by Traction. Spine, Vol 17, No 2,Feb. 1992.


Eisenstein, S.M., Mehdian, H. Surgery of British Spinal Opinion on management of Diastematomyelia. J. Bone Joint Surg. [Br] 1990:72:336


Draycott, V., Eisenstein, S.M., Mehdian, H. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy the Effect of Spinal Stabilization on Respiratory Function. J. Bone Joint. Surg .[Br]1990:72:339


Mehdian, H., Weatherley, C.R., Vanden Berghe, L. Management of metastatic lesions of the Cervical Spine. Abstract published in JBJS, March1990


Weatherly, C.R., Mehdian, H., Vanden Berghe, L. Low back pain  with a fracture of the pedicle and contra-lateral spondylolysis. Presented at the British Scoliosis Society Meeting, Southampton  University, March 1990.


Mehdian, H., Weatherly, C.R., Ransford, A.O. Late Migration of the Lower Hook in Harrington Instrumentation. Presented at the British Scoliosis Society Meeting, Southampton University, Marc 1990.


Mehdian, H., Weatherly, C.R., Williams, S. Osteoid Osteoma of  the Vertebral Body. Presented at the British and Nordic Scoliosis Societ  Meeting, Newcastle, June 1991


Fowler, J., Mehdian, H., Weatherly, C.R. Surgical management of Metastatic lesions of the Spine. Presented at the British and Nordic Scoliosis Society Meeting, Newcastle, June 1991.


Mehdian H., Weatherly, C.R. Combined Anterior and Posterior Resection and Spinal Stabilisation for Aneurysmal Bone Cyst. Presented at the Third Common Meeting, Cervical Spine Research SocietyMeeting, June 26-29 1991, Greece.


Weatherly, C.R., Mehdian, H., Vanden Berghe, L. Low back pain with a fracture of the pedicle and contra-lateral spondylolysis. J. Bone Joint Surg.[Br]73-B.6,Nov 1991.


Mehdian, H., Weatherly, C.R., Ransford, A.O. Late Migration of the Lower hook in Harrington Instrumentation. Abstract published in JBJS, Feb. 1991


Vanden Berghe, L., Mehdian, H., Lee, A.J.C., Weatherly, C.R. A Comparative Biomechanical Study of Spinal Fixation Devices for the lumbosacral Junction.


Fowler, J., Mehdian, H., Weatherly, C.R. Surgical Management of metastatic Lesions of the Spine. Abstract published in JBJS, 1992


Mehdian H., Weatherly, C.R. Combined Anterior and Posterior Resection and Spinal Stabilisation for Aneurysmal Bone Cyst. Published in Eur Spine J. 4,123-125


Mehdian, H., Leach, W.J., Fowler, J.L, Weatherly, C.R. The Application of Pedicle Screw Fixation in Spinal Surgery. Early Results using the Mehdian System. Presented at SICOT Meeting, Seoul, South  Korea, 28 August to 2 September 1993. Presented at the ESDS Meeting,  Birmingham 31 May - 2 June 1994.


Mehdian, H. The Management of Neuromuscular Spinal  Deformity. Presented at the ESDS Meeting, Birmingham, 31 May -2 June 1994.


White, B. Lam, K., Mehdian, H. The effects of simple trauma on patients with cervical spine neurofibromatosis – (2 case reports). Presented at the Cervical Spine Research Society Meeting, June 7-10 1995, Erlangen, Germany.


Faraj A., Byrne, P., Mehdian, H. Osteoid osteoma of the lateral mass of C5.Should excision be combined with fusion. Presented at the Cervical Spine Research Society Meeting, June 7-10, 1995, Erlangen, Germany


Faraj, A., Krishna, M., Mehdian, H. Cauda equina syndrome secondary to lumbar spondylodiscitis caused by Streptococcus Milleri (A Case Report). Euro Spine J, 5:134-136, 1996


Lam, K., Mehdian, H., White, B. The effects of simple trauma on patients with Cervical spine neurofibromatosis – (2 case reports). Euro Spine J. (1997) 6:77-80


Lam, K., Mehdian, H. Fatal venous air embolism in spinal surgery: A serious cause for consideration. Presented at ISSLS, Singapore, June 2-6, 1997.


Faraj, A., Mehdian, H. Thoracolumbar hernia: A rare cause of backache Published in Euro Spine J (1997) 6:203-204.


Lam, K., Pande, K.C., Mehdian, H. Surgical decompression – a life saving procedure for an extensive spinal epidural abscess. Euro Spine J (1997) 6:332-335


Sengupta, D.K., Grevitt, M.P., Mehdian, H. Hypoglossal nerve injury as a complication to upper cervical spine surgery (a case report). Presented at The British Cervical Spine Society Meeting, Nov 7-8, 1997, Stoke-on-Trent. Accepted for publication in Euro Spine J.


Boos, N., Khazim, R., Kerslake, W.R., Webb, J.K., Mehdian, H. Atlantoaxial dislocation without fracture. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 1997;79-B:204-5


Faraj A., Byrne, P., Mehdian, H. Osteoid osteoma of the lateral mass of C5. Should excision be combined with fusion. Euro Spine J. 1998, 7:242-24


Mehdian, H., Faraj A., Weatherly, C.R. Painful scoliosis secondary to osteoblastoma of the vertebral body. Euro Spine J (1998) 7:246-248


Lam, K.S, Mehdian, H. The importance of an intact abdominal musculature mechanism in maintaining spinal sagittal balance. Case illustration in prune-belly syndrome. Poster presentation, Combined European Spine Society Meeting, June 23-27, 1998, Innsbruck, Austria.


Mehdian, H., Freeman, B., Licina, P., Cervical osteotomy for ankylosing Spondylitis: an innovative variation on an existing technique. Presented at British Scoliosis Society Meeting, 25-27 March, 1998. Poster presentation XIV Annual Meeting of the Cervical Spine Research Society (European Section), Varese, Italy, September 17-19


Lam, K., Mehdian, H. Fatal venous air embolism in spinal surgery: A serious cause for consideration. Published in JBJS 78B Orthopaedic proceedings


Freeman, B, Licina, P., Mehdian H, Posterior lumbar interbody fusion combined with instrumented posterolateral fusion – 5 year results in 60 patients. Euro Spine J issue 1, vol 9, Feb 2000 42-46


Sengupta, D.K., Debnath, U.K., Hutchinson, J., Mehdian, H., Webb, J.K. Anterior discectomy and fusion for thoracic disc herniation. Presented at British Scoliosis Society Meeting, April 2000, Jersey.


Debnath, U.K., Sengupta, D.K., de la Harpe, D., Mehdian, H. Correction of cervicothoracic subluxation with progressive myelopathy in a case of neurofibromatosis with dural ectasia. A  case report. Poster presentation at British Scoliosis Society Meeting, April, 2000, Jersey and Cervical Spine Research Society XV1 Annual Meeting June 21- 23, 2000, London.


Khazim R, Muthukumar GS, Debnath UK, Mehdian SHM(UK) Type 1 Arnold Chiari malformation (ACM);Presenting as torticollis. Poster presentation at Cervical Spine Research Society XV1 Annual Meeting June 21 – 23, 2000, London


Sinha S, Nareen A, Khazim RM, Mehdian SH, Surgical stabilization for atlantoaxial and subaxial instability in rheumatoid arthritis. Poster presentation at Cervical Spine Research Society XV1 Annual Meeting June 21 – 23, 2000, London


Lam, K.S, Mehdian, H. The importance of an intact abdominal musculatul mechanism in maintaining spinal sagittal balance. Case illustration in prune-belly syndrome. Spine Vol 24, No 7, pp719-722.


Mehdian, H., Freeman, B., Licina, P., Cervical osteotomy for ankylosing Spondylitis: an innovative variation on an existing technique. 1998. J. Bone Joint Surg [Br], Vol 80-B,1998, Orthopaedic Proceedings Supplement 2. Euro Spine J(1999)8:505-509 36)


Mehdian, H, Sengupta, D.K., Post traumatic C1-C2 subluxation in a case of os odontoideum – treated by closed reduction and stabilisation – a case report.Presented at the British Cervical Spine Society Meeting, Bristol, 1999


Mehdian, H. Management of kyphotic deformities. Presented at the Iranian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, 3-6 Nov 1999, Tehran, Iran.


Wild A, Schillians N, Kumar M, Mehdian SH, Scoliosis in Gordon’s Syndrome. Euro Spine Journal (2001) 10:458-460


Mehdian, H., Sengupta, D.K., Agoristides, Y, Eisenstein, S.M., Webb,J.K. Surgical management of scoliosis in Duchenne muscular dystrophy – is sacral fixation necessary? Presented at British Scoliosis Society Meeting, April, 2000, Jersey. Presented at SRS Meeting Sep 2001, Ohio, and USA


Pelosi L, Lamb J, Mehdian H, Grevitt M, Webb J.K., Blumhardt L.D. Combined Monitoring of Motor (MEPs) and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEPs) in Orthopaedic Spinal Surgery. Presented at the Scoliosis Research Society Meeting, 20 September 2001, Ohio, USA


Sengupta D, Grevitt M, Mehdian H, Webb J.KSurgical Correction of Sagittal Plane Deformity in Scheuermann’s Kyphosis Presented at the British Scoliosis Society Meeting, Edinburgh, March 2000. Awarded First Prize by Scientific Committee. Presented at the Scoliosis Research Society Meeting Sept 2001 Ohio


Costigan W, Debnath UK, Mehdian H, Webb JK. Sternotomy Approach to the Cervicothoracic Junction – A Review of Five Cases. presented at the (IMAST) Meeting July 2001, Bahamas.


Davy A, Mehdian H, Webb JK, Mulholland RC. What should be done First, Anterior or the posterior Stabilization in Combined Anterior-posterior Fusion in the Lumbar Spine-A Biomechanical Study on Cadaver Spine. Presented at the (IMAST) Meeting July 2001, Bahamas.


Debnath U.K., Costigan W, Ajnin S, Doderan SM, Mehdian H. Rotafix Cage System for Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF) Combined with Instrumented postero-lateral Fusion (IPLF) – Results of 21 patients. Presented at IMAST meeting July 2001, Bahamas.


Debnath UK, Costigan WM, Freeman BJC, Mehdian H. Correction of Complex spinal deformities in Infantile Idiopathic scoliosis by double thoracotomy approach – a report of 2 cases. Presented at IMAST meeting July 2001, Bahamas.


Mehdian SH, Sengupta DK, Double Door Cervical Laminoplasty – An Alternative Technique. Presented at IMAST meeting July 2001 Bahamas


Wild A, Jaeger M, Haak H., Mehdian SH, Sacral insufficiency fracture, an Unsuspected cause of low back pain in elderly women. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, January 2002


Sengupta DK, Grevitt MP, Freeman BJ, Mehdian SH, Mulholland RC, Webb JK, In combined AP fusion, effect of front or the back procedure first: A Biomechanical study in cadaver spine. Presented at BritSpine 2002, Birmingham


Sengupta DK, Grevitt MP, Freeman, BJ, Mehdian SH, Webb JK, Eisenstein S. Surgical treatment of scoliosis in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – can lumbar fixation prevent pelvic tilt? Presented at BritSpine 2002, Birmingham.


Sengupta DK, Grevitt MP, Freeman BJ, Mehdian SH, Webb JJK, Lamb J, Pelosi L, Blumhardt LD, Henderson LM. Combined somato-sensory (SEPs) and Motor Evoked Potential (MEPs) monitoring in Orthopaedic Spinal Surgery. Poster presentation at BritSpine 2002, Birmingham


Debnath UK, Sengupta DK, Hutchinson MJ, Mehdian SMH, Webb JK. Results of hemivertebrectomy and fusion for symptomatic thoracic disc herniation. Poster presentation at BritSpine 2002.


Debnath UK, Mehdian SMH. Rapid onset quadriplegia from a panspinal extradural abscess following pneumococcal meningitis. A case report. Poster presentation BritSpine 2002, Birmingham.


Debnath UK, Sengupta DK, Hutchinson MJ, Mehdian SMH, Webb JK. Results of hemivertebrectomy and fusion for symptomatic thoracic disc herniation. European Spine Journal, June 2002. Published in Orthopaedic Proceedings Supplement III JBJS 2002


Freeman BJC, Sengupta DK, Grevitt MP, Mehdian SH, Webb JK, Lamb J, Pelosi L, Blumhardt LD, Henderson LM. Combined somato-sensory (SEP) and motor evoked potential (MEP) spinal cord monitoring in spinal surgery. Neurophysiology Journal 113(2002) 1082-1091 & European Spine Journal Aug 2002. Published in JBJS Supplement III Orthopaedic Proceedings 2002.


Sengupta DK, Freeman BJ, Cole A, Mehdian SH, Webb JK. Pelvic obliquity and surgical stabilization in neuromuscular scoliosis – a minimum 5 years follow-up. European Spine Journal Aug 2002


Sengupta DK, Freeman BJ, Grevitt MP, Mehdian SH, Webb JK. Long-term follow-up of Luque trolley growing-rod construct in the surgical treatment of early onset idiopathic scoliosis. European Spine Journal Aug 2002


Sengupta D, Mehdian H, Mullholland R,Webb J, Ohnmeiss d. Biomechanical evaluation of immediate stability with rectangular versus cylindrical Interbody cages in stabilization of lumbar spine. Published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders October 3,2002.


Debnath UK, Mehdian SMH, Rapid onset quadriplegia from a pan spinal, extradural abscess following pneumococcal meningitis A case report Poster presentation BritSpine Birmingham 2002. JBJS Orthopaedic Proceedings Supplement III 2002.


Sengupta D, Mehdian H, McConnel J, Eisenstein S, Webb J. Pelvic or lumbar fixation for the surgical management of scoliosis in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Spine 2002 September 15;27(18):2072-2079,JBJS Orthopaedic Proceedings Supplement III 2002.


Ajnin S, Debnath UK, Mehdian SMH, Osteoid osteoma of left pars Interarticularis of fourth lumbar vertebra. Published Grand Rounds – Orthopaedics Vol 2 pages 21-23 2002


Debnath UK, Mehdian SMH, Rapid onset quadriplegia from a pan spinal, extradural abscess following pneumococcal meningitis – A case report JBJS Orthopaedic Proceedings Supplement III 2002.


McCarthy M, Mehdian SMH, Fairbairn J, Stevens A, Melorheostosis at the zygoapophyseal joint of the tenth and eleventh thoracic vertebra – a rare cause of back pain. skeletal Radialogy Journal.33: 283-286(2004).


Sengupta D, Grevitt MP, Freeman BJ, Mehdian SMH, Mulholland RC, Webb JK, In combined AP fusion, effect of front or the back procedure first – a biomechanical study in cadaver spine. Published JBJS Orthopaedic Proceedings Supplement III, Vol 84-B 2002


Behensky H, Cole A, Webb J, Freeman B, Lam K, Grevitt M, MehdianH Fixed Lumbar Apical Vertebral Rotation predicts spinal decompensation in Lenke 3C type Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis after posterior thoracic correction and fusion, IMST book Rome 2003


Mehdian SMH, Lam K, Freeman BJC, Controlled surgical reduction of fixed Cervical flexion deformity in ankylosing spondylitis – A report of 2 cases Presented at British Scoliosis Society meeting Leeds: 9-11 April 2003.


Cole AA, Mehdian SMH, A new approach to spondylolisthesis reduction.  Presented at British Scoliosis Society meeting Leeds: 9-11 April 2003


McCarthy M, Mehdian SMH, Fairbairn J, Stevens A, Melorheostosis at the zygoapophyseal joint of the tenth and eleventh thoracic vertebra – a rare cause of back pain. Presented as a poster presentation at British Scoliosis Society Meeting Leeds: 9-11 April 2003


Behensky H, Cole A, Webb J, Freeman B, Lam K, Grevitt M, MehdianH ,Fixed Lumbar Apical Vertebral Rotation predicts spinal decompensation in Lenke 3C type Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis after posterior thoracic Correction and fusion, presented at Scoliosis Research Society Meeting Quebec, Canada, 10-13 Sep 2003, BSS 9-11 April 2003 Leeds and presented at Spineweek 2004 Porto, Portugal.


Sengupta DK, Freeman BJ, Grevitt MP, Mehdian SH, Webb JK. Long-term follow-up of Luque trolley growing-rod construct in the surgical treatment of early onset idiopathic scoliosis. Presented at Scoliosis Research Society Meeting, Seattle 2002,NASS Meeting San Diego October 2003 USA, and Spineweek 2004 Portugal.


M McCarthy, Lam K, Mehdian H, Kerslake R. Difficulties in the Management of Spinal deformities in Larsen’s syndrome a case Report. Presented as a poster at B.S.S Meeting Leeds: 9-11April 2003,Spineweek


Leung Y, Freeman B, Mehdian H, Grevitt M, Webb J. A prospective Randomized trial comparing femoral ring allograft and syncage for Circumferential spinal fusion (2 year functional outcome) Presented at ISSLS Meeting May 13-17, 2003 Vancouver, Canada and Eurospine meeting Prague October 2003.


Kamath SH, Sengupta DK, Mehdian SMH, Webb JK. Sagittal Balance in Scheuermann’s Kyphosis- Results of Surgical Treatment in 35 Cases. Abstract published in Orthopaedic proceedings JBJS.85-B 20


Daivajna S, Jones A, O’Malley M, Mehdian SMH. Unilateral septic arthritis of a lumbar facet joint secondary to acupuncture treatment – a case report. Published in Acupuncture in medicine 2004; 22(3):152


Daivajna S, Lam K, Jones A, Mehdian SMH. Surgical outcome of scoliosis using different instrumentation constructs in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Presented at British Scoliosis Meeting, QMC Nottingham 27 April 2004.


Mehdian SMH, Lam K, Freeman BJC. Controlled Surgical reduction of fixed Cervical flexion deformity in Ankylosing Spondylitis. Presented at Spineweek, Porto, Portugal, 2004.


Sengupta DK, Mehdian SMH, Webb JK, Grevitt MP, Freeman BJ. Surgical Correction of Sagittal plane deformity in Scheuermann’s Kyphosis .Presented at Spineweek, Porto, Portugal 2004.


Mehdian SMH, Cole AA. A new approach to Spondylolisthesis reduction. Presented at Spineweek, Porto, and Portugal 2004.


Mehdian SMH. Controlled surgical reduction of fixed flexion deformity of the cervical spine in Ankylosing Spondylitis (A Safer technique). Presented in 39th annual meeting of Scoliosis Research Society CME Course: Innovative Treatment Options in spine surgery Buenos Aires, Argentina Sep 6, 2004, the Talk is available in


Divan S, Jones A, Mehdian SMH. Surgical management of severe cervical kyphosis with myelopathy in Osteogenesis imperfecta A case report. Published in Spine Journal Volum 30 (7), April 1, 2005, JBJS B-2


Daivajna S, Adams CI , Mehdian,SMH .Surgical management of Severe Scheuermann’s Kyphosis: Analysis of sagittal alignment with or without interbody cages. Presented at BritSpine 2004, Nottingham and BSS 2005.


Divan S, Jones A, Mehdian SMH. Surgical management of severe cervical Kyphosis with myelopathy in Osteogenesis imperfecta A case report. Presented in BCCS Meeting 2004 Cambridge and BSS meeting Liverpool 2005


Sengupta D, Jeffrey J, Mehdian SMH, Montgomery D, Webb J. Corrective Osteotomy in Ankylosing Spondylitis- long-term outcome and Complications. Presented at SRS Meeting Buenos Aires Sep 2005


McKenna PJ, Freeman B, Mulholland R, Grevitt M, Webb J, Mehdian H. A prospective randomized controlled trial of femoral ring allograft versus a titanium cage in circumferential lumbar spinal fusion with minimum two-year Clinical results . Presented in SSE meeting, Barcelona September, 2005. This paper has received SSE Award


S.Ajnin, UK Debnath, SMH Mehdian. Osteoid Osteoma of left parsarticularis of fourth lumbar vertebra. Published in grandrounds 2003. Pdf


Arun.R, Mehdian SMH, Daivajna MS, Sithole .J. Comparison of anterior Interbody cages to autogenous rib graft in the surgical management of Scheuermann’s kyphosis. The Spine journal 2005.


Mousavi J, Parnianpour M, Mehdian SMH . Development of Persian- Versions of the Oswestry Disability Index, Roland- Morris Disability Questionnaire and Quebec Back pain Disability scale. Published in Spine Journal 2006;31(14) :E 454-E459


Shoakazemi A, Fagan DJ, Mehdian H. Coccygectomy in patients with Coccydynia. Published in JBJS Proceedings Vol 90-B 2008


Arun.R, Mehdian SMH, Daivajna MS, Freeman B. Do anterior Interbody cages have a potential value compared to autologous rib graft in the surgical management of Scheuermann’s kyphosis. published in The Spine Journal & JBJS proceedings…


Daivajna S, Adams C, Mehdian SMH. Surgical Management of severe Scheuermann’s Kyphosis: Analysis of Sagittal alignment with or without Interbody Cages. Abstract published in JBJS, Orthopaedic proceedings 88-B 2006


Mehdian SMH, Arun R, Jones A, Cole A. Reduction of Severe Adolescent Isthmic Spondylolisthesis: A New Technique. Published Spine Vol 30, No 19, 2005.


Arun R, Mehdian SMH, Freeman BJC, Daivajna SC. Do Anterior Interbody cages have a Potential Value in Comparison to Autogenous Rib graft in the surgical Management of Scheuermann’s Kyphosis? The Spine Journal 6, 2006, 413-420,


Kiely P, Steele N, Schuerler AV, Breakwell L, Mehdian SMH, Grevitt MP Webb JK, Freeman BJ; Long-term outcome of the luque Trolley with epiphysiodesis in the management of progressive congenital scoliosis. Published in JBJS Vol 90-B 2008


Clarke A, Lam K, Mehdian SMH; Treating a painful pseudarthosis of the odontoid process in ankylosing spondylitis. Published in Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, 2006


Talwalkar N, Debnath UK, Mehdian SMH. Quadriparesis from a panspinal
extradural  Abscess following pneumococcal meningitis. Acta Orthop Belg. 2006 Oct;72(5):647-50.


Debnath UK, Naidu Maripuri S, Mobini B, etemedifar MR, Mehdian SMH Rotational dislocation of the thoracolumbar spine. Case report and review of the literature.J Neurosurg Spine. 2007 Feb;6(2):161-4.


McKenna PJ, Freeman B, Mulholland R, Grevitt M, Webb J, Mehdian H. A prospective randomized controlled trial of femoral ring allograft versus a titanium cage in circumferential lumbar spinal fusion with minimum two-year clinical results . published in the October 2005 , European spine journal. This paper has received SSE Award. Abstract published in JBJS , B2006


Shoakazemi A, Fagan DJ, Mehdian H. Coccygectomy in patients with Coccydynia. Presented at Britspine 2006


Arun.R, Mehdian SMH, Daivajna MS, Freeman B. Do anterior Interbody Cages have a potential value compared to autologous rib graft in the surgical management of Scheuermann’s kyphosis. Presented at Britspine Meeting Cardiff April 2006


Kiely P, Steel N, Schueler, AV, Breakwell L, Mehdian SMH, Grevitt MP,Webb JK, Freeman BJ. Long term outcome of the Luque trolly with epiphysiodesis in the management of progressive congenital scoliosis.Presented at Britspine Meeting Cardiff , April 2006.


Fagan DJ, Freeman BJ, Sell P, Adams C, Grevitt M, Mehdian SMH .A nonrandomized cohort study of lumbar disc arthroplasty versus anterior Stand alone cage fusion. Presented at Britspine Meeting Cardiff , April 2006.


Freeman BJ, Morgan-Hough, Mehdian SMH , Perkins. Combined intra- Operative fluoroscopy and radionuclide localization for excision of Osteoid Osteoma and Osteoblastoma of the spine. Presented at Britspine Meeting Cardiff,  April 2006


Arun R, Mehdian SMH, Freeman BJC, Daivajna SC. Do Anterior Interbody Cages have a Potential Value in Comparison to Autogenous Rib graft in the Surgical Management of Scheuermann’s Kyphosis? Presented at Britspine 2006, Cardiff. 


Kiely P, Steele N, Schuerler AV, Breakwell L, Mehdian SMH, Grevitt MP Webb JK, Freeman BJ; Long-term outcome of the luque Trolley with  Epiphysiodesis in the management of progressive congenital scoliosis.Presented at Britspine 2006, Cardiff.


Ranganathan R, Mehdian SMH. Spontaneous kyphotic collapse followed by autostabilization secondary to cervical osteomyelitis in an intravenous drug abuser. Published in Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, April 2007.


Mousavi SJ,Montazeri A, Asgari b, Hadian M, Parnianpour M,Mehdian SMH Translation and validation study of the Iranian version of the disabilities of The arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) outcome measure. published in spine Journal, 2007,Vol 32, Number 26,E 825-E831


Kiely P, Mehdian SMH, Freeman BJC , Webb,J. Longterm spinal and respiratory function outcome in early onset scoliosis management with Epiphysiodesis and luque trolley instrumentation. Presented at SRS meeting Edinbrough 2007.


Hagerty J, Mehdian SMH, Freeman BJC. Implementing a relational database for clinical data capture in spinal surgery: presentation of four years experience and results. Presented at SRS meeting in Edinbrough 2007.


Kiely P, Mehdian SMH, Freeman BJC , Webb,J. Longterm spinal and respiratory function outcome in early onset scoliosis management with epiphysiodesis and luque trolley instrumentation. JBJS Proceedings Vol 90-B2008


Iain Au-Yong, Bronek Boszczyk, Hossein Mehdian, Robert Kerslake; Spontaneous Rotatory Atlantoaxial Dislocation without neurological compromise in a child with Down Syndrome: a case report. published in Eur spine J, January 2008, DOI 10.1007


Harshavardhana NS, Debnath UK, Dabke HV, Boszczk BM, Grevitt MP, Mehdian SMH; Do Radiographic Determinants affect the functional outcome following C1-C2 arthrodesis, Presented at Britspine 2008 Belfast.


Harshavardhana NS, Debnath UK, Dabke HV, Freeman BJC, Mehdian SMH; Validation of capasso’ method vs conventional measurement tools in evaluation of cobb angle for scoliosis Presented at Britspine 2008 Belfast.


Harshavardhana NS,Shahid R,Freeman BJC,Boszcyk BM,Hagarty J, Race A, Grevitt MP, Mehdian SMH; Coding matters: Reimbursement issues in spinal surgery at a tertiary centre; Presented at Britspine 2008 Belfast


DebnathUK, Shoakazemi A, Mehdian SMH,Dabke HV ,Freeman BJC; Spinal Deformity correction of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Sublaminar wiring Fixation versus pedicle screw instrumentation. Presented at BritSpine 2008, Belfast and SpineWeek 2008 Geneva


DebnathUK, Shoakazemi A, Mehdian SMH, Dabke HV. Comparison of pedicle screw fixation with hybrid sublaminar wiring instrumentation for correction of spinal deformity in patient with cerebral palsy. Presented at BritSpine 2008, Belfast and SpineWeek ,2008 eva, IMAST, Hong Kong, 2008


SMH Mehdian, BJC Freeman, M Woo-kie, AP Littlewood; Using a controlled reduction manoeuvre as an adjunct to cervico-thoracic Osteotomy for cervico-thoracic kyphosis. Presented at BritSpine 2008, Belfast and SpineWeek , 2008 Geneva.


NS Harshavardhana,UK Debnath, SMH Mehdian, HV Dabke BM Boszczyk, MP Grevitt; Do radiographic determinants affect the functional outcome following C1-C2 Arthrodesis? . Presented at BritSpine 2008, Belfast and SpineWeek , 2008 Geneva. IMAST, Hong Kong, 2008 and SRS,Salt Lake City,USA ,2008


HD Dabke, SMH Mehdian, UK Debnath; Analysis of sagittal alignment correction in Ankylosing Spondylitis using three different Osteotomy techniques. Presented at BritSpine 2008, Belfast andSpine Week , 2008 Geneva, IMAST, Hong Kong, 2008


SMH Mehdian ,BJC Freeman, M Woo-kie, A Littlewood; Reduction of high grade adolescent Isthmic spondylolisthesis using a three stage shortening procedure. Presented at BritSpine 2008, Belfast and SpineWeek , 2008 Geneva.


NS Harshavardhana,UK Debnath, ,BJC Freeman, HV Dabke, SMH Mehdian Validation of capasso’s method Vs convention measurement tools in evaluation of cobb angle for n scoliosis.


NS Harshavardhana, R Shahid, BJC Freeman, J Hagerty UK Debnath, SMH Mehdian, HV Dabke BM Boszczyk, MP Grevitt,Coding Matters:Re- imbursement issues in spinal surgery at a tertiary centre. Presented at BritSpine 2008, Belfast and SpineWeek , 2008 Geneva.


Dabke, UK Debnath, SMH Mehdian; A new fixation technique for French door cervical laminoplasty. Presented at SpineWeek , 2008 Geneva.


NS Harshavardhana, UK Debnath, SMH Mehdian HV Dabke JK Webb. Long-term clinico-radiological results following surgical treatment of Scheurmann kyphosis: A UK experience of 35 cases with average follow-up of 9 years. Presented in SRS Meeting in Salt Lake city ,USA, Sep 2008. presented at BOA Liverpool 2008.


Ujjwal Debnath, N Harshavardhana, J Hegarty, M Grevitt ,SMH Mehdian, S Thambiraj , JK Webb; Definitive Spinal Fusion for Congenital Scoliosis; Long-term Results with minimum follow-up of ten years. Presented at 2nd International Congress on early onset scoliosis& Growing Spine November2008 Montreal , Quebec.


UK Debnath, SMH Mehdian NS Harshavardhana, BJ Freeman, JK Webb. Spinal Deformity Correction in DMD: Sublaminar Wiring Fixation versus pedicle screw instrumentation; . Presented in SRS Meeting in Salt Lake city ,USA, Sep 2008


Sengupta DK, Webb JK, Mehdian SMH ; Predictors of curve progression in adolescence, following growing-rod stabilization for scoliosis in infancy- A minimum 7 year follow-up. Presented in SRS Meeting in Salt Lake city ,USA, Sep 2008.


UK Debnath, SMH Mehdian, NS Harshavardhana, J Mc Connell. Timing of definitive fusion in early onset scoliosis treated by growing rod construct , A retrospective study with a minimum  follow-up of 13 years. Presented at 2nd I nternational congress on EOS & GR ,2008;Montreal , Quebec.


Debnath UK, Freeman BJC, Scammel BE, Grevitt MP, Mehdian SMH; Current Concept Review on Lumbar Spondylosis; Published in JBJS (American Volume)


SW Judd, BJ Freeman, AC Perkins, CI Adams, SH Mehdian Intra- operative radionuclide localization for Osteoid Osteoma and osteoblastoma of the spine. Published in JBJS Proceedings Vol 90-B 2008


Mousavi SI,Parnianpour M, Abedi M, Askary-Ashtiani A, Karimi A, Khrsandi A, Mehdia SMH; Cultural adaptation and validation of the Persian version of the Disabitities of the arm,shoulder and hand (DASH) outcome measure, Clin Rehabil. 2008 Aug; 22(8):749-57


Mousavi SJ ,Montazeri A , Parnianpour M, Mobini B, Mehdian SMH, Omidvari S. Translation and validation of the Persian Version of the fear avoidance belief questionnaire , Spine Journal 2008


S Srinivas, F Cacciola, EJ Bayley, IE Collins, SMH Mehdian Reperations in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : Does approach matter? EuroSpine,Warsaw, Poland,October 2009


Harshavardhana N, Debnath U, Grevitt M, Mehdian H, Thambiraj S, Freeman B, Webb J. Two decade results in surgical management of congenital scoliosis. Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) annual meeting, Boston, MA, USA, April 2009.


Harshavardhana N, Debnath U, Grevitt M, Mehdian H, Thambiraj S, Freeman B, Webb J. Factors predictive of curve progression and timing of definitive fusion for early-onset scoliosis with minimum follow-up of 13 years. Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) annual meeting, Boston, MA, USA, April 2009.


Harshavardhana N, Debnath U, Grevitt M, Mehdian H, Thambiraj S, Freeman B, Webb J. Factors Predictive of Curve Progression & Timing of Definitive Fusion in Early Onset Scoliosis (EOS) treated by Growing Rod (GR) Construct  Canadian orthopaedic association (COA) annual meeting, whistler, BC, Canada, July 2009.


U K Debnath, S Shobaki, J Lewis, J Hegarty, BJC Freeman, MP Grevitt, SMH Mehdian, JK Webb. A Prospective Outcome Analysis of Artificial Disc Replacement Versus Anterior Interbody Fusion in single level Symptomatic L5/S1 Degenerative Disc Disease Spine Arthroplasty Society meeting, May 2009 London


Mehdian R,Nutt JL,Harshavardhana NS,Mehdian SMH. Beware of SRS presentations; their natural history and fate.Presented at BSS Meeting,Leicester 2009 and San Antonio meeting San Antonio, Texas 2009.


Mehdian SMH,Harshavardhana  NA,Debnath UK,Webb JK Longterm clinico-radiological results following scheuermann’s kyphosis:a nine year follow-up study,Presented at BSS Meeting,Leicester 2009


S Srinivas,IE Collins,SMH Mehdian. Late Costoplasty in idiopathic Scoliosis,Presented at BSS Meeting,Leicester 2009


Mousavi SJ, Mobini B, Askary AR, Bouzari B, Parnianpour M, Mehdian SMH; Reliability and validity of the Persian version of the scoliosis research society -22 (SRS-22) patient questionnaire; submitted to the Spine Journal.


Srinivas, N Harshavardhana, E Bayley, SMH Mehdian; Isolated vertical fracture of the anterior arch of the atlas-case report. Published in Injury Journal, 632; 2009


Ranganathan Arun, S. Srinivas, SMH Mehdian Scoliosis in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy: a changing trend in surgical management . A historical surgical outcome study comparing sublaminar, hybrid and pedicle screw instrumentation systems. Published on ESJ; 30 August 2009


Mehdian SMH
Cervical osteotomy technique for correction of cervical kyphotic deformity in Ankylosing Spondylitis AO Spinal meeting Nottingham, October 2010


Mousavi SJ,Montazeri A,Parnianpour M,Mobini B, Mehdian SMH, Omidvari S.Translation and validation of the Persian Version of the fear  avoidance belief questionnaire. Submitted to the Spine Journal


Magaji SA, Debnath UK, Mehdian H Compartment syndrome of leg following total lumbar disc replacement via anterior    retroperitoneal approach:A rare complication of anterior spinal surgery. Published in spine Journal,Jan 2010


Mehdian S, Arun R A safe controlled instrumented reduction technique for cervical osteotomy in ankylosing   spondylitis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 Apr 20;36(9):715-20


Mehdian SH, Arun R. A new three-stage spinal shortening procedure for reduction of severe adolescent isthmic  spondylolisthesis: a case series with medium- to long-term follow-up
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 May15;36(11):E705-11


SMH Mehdian, H Dabke, UK Debnath, R Arun
Analysis of sagittal alignment correction in Ankylosing Spondylitis using three different osteotomy techniques. Presented at EuroSpine, September 2010
Vienna and abstract published in ESJ 010, 19, S233-S364 2010
International Spine Symposium Tehran October 2010


SMH Mehdian , R Mehdian , D Copas
Radiological outcomes of Segmental Pedicle Screw Fixation in Spinal Deformity Surgery BSS Meeting Manchester ,November 2010
International Spine Symposium Tehran October 2010


SMH  Mehdian, R Arun, D Copas
Comparison of Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of three surgical techniques in Scheuermann’s Kyphosis EuroSpine; September 2010 Vienna and abstract published in ESJ 010, 19, S233-S364
BSS Meeting Manchester, November 2010
International Spine Symposium Tehran October 2010


SMH Mehdian, J Mehta
Reduction of high grade Adolescent Isthmic Spondylolisthesis: A New Technique. Hibbs meeting in SRS Meeting Japan, September 2010


Invited UK Investigator of the study; AOSpine and Scoliosis Research “Scoli-Risk-1”  IMAST Meeting Copenhagen July13-16, 2011


Arun R, Dabke HV, Mehdian H. Comparison of three types of lumbar osteotomy for ankylosing spondylitis: a case series and evolution of a safe technique for instrumented reduction. Eur Spine J. 2011 Jul 29


Faculty member , Anterior Exposures Course in Cervical and Lumbar Spinal Surgery ; Synthes cadaveric exposures course, Nottingham, June 2011


Faculty member /speaker , Early Onset Neuromuscular Scoliosis Oxford Early Onset Scoliosis Course; 8-9 September 2011


Mousavi SJ, Akbari ME, Mehdian H, Mobini B, Montazeri A, Akbarnia B, Parnianpour M. Low back pain in Iran: a growing need to adapt and implement evidence-based  practice in developing countries Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 May 1;36(10):E638-46. Review.


Mehdian SM. Reviewer's comment concerning "Posterior transdural discectomy: a new approach for the removal of a central thoracic disc herniation."  (doi:10.1007/s00586-011-1990-4 by H.M. Coppes et al.).
Eur Spine J. 2011 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.


Debnath UK, Mehdian SM, Webb JK. Spinal Deformity Correction in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD): Comparing the Outcome of Two Instrumentation Techniques Asian Spine J. 2011 Mar;5(1):43-50. Epub 2011 Mar 2.


Faculty member/speaker, Osteotomy in Ankylosing Spondylitis;  Hibbs Society Meeting, SRS meeting 14-17 September 2011


Guest Speaker, Iraninan Orthopaedic Association Meeting; Management of Cervical and Thoracolumbar Fractures, Spinal Exposures 17-21 October ,2011;


Hossein Mehdian, David Copas, J Mehta; Analysis of Sagittal Alignment Correction in Ankylosing Spondylitis Using Three Different Osteotomy Techniques. . Poster Presentation at IMAST Meeting Copenhagen July 13-16, 2011


Hossein Mehdian, R Arun ,David Copas, J Mehta; Comparison of
Clinical and Radiological  Outcomes of Three Surgical Techniques in Scheuermann’s  Kyphosis. Poster presentation at IMAST Meeting Copenhagen July 13-16, 2011


Hossein Mehdian, David Copas, J Mehta; Radiological Outcomes of Segmental Pedicle Screw Fixation in Spinal Deformity Surgery. Presented at  the IMAST Meeting Copenhagen July 13-16, 2011


Mehdian SH, Arun R. A new three-stage spinal shortening procedure for reduction of severe adolescent isthmic spondylolisthesis: a case series with medium- to long-term follow-up
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 May 15;36(11):E705-11


Mehdian S, Arun R. A safe controlled instrumented reduction technique for cervical osteotomy in ankylosing spondylitis
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 Apr 20;36(9):715-20.


Benjamin Ungar, Frank Schwab,VirginiLafaage,Benjamin Blondel, Jacob Buchowski,Jeffrey Coe Donald, Deinlein, Christopher Dewald , Hossein Mehdian,Christopher Shaffrey,Clifford Tribus.Validation of the SRS- Schwab;AdultDeformity ,Classification.  Spine journal 2012


H Mehdian. Reviewer's comment_concerning Posteriortransdural  discectomy a new approach for the removal of a central thoracic disc herniation. ESJ ; 2012


Hammett T., Boreham B., Mehdian H.; The survival of Intrathecal Baclofen pumps in neuromuscular scoliosis surgery Podium Presentation .,Spineweek 28May-1 June  2012


Quraishi N., Konig M., Shafafy M., Boszczyk B., Grevitt M.,Mehdian H., Webb J.; Access related complications in anterior lumbar surgery performed by spinal surgeons. Podium Presentation, Spineweek 28May-1 June  2012


Boreham B., Mehdian H.; Pedicle screw placement in spinal deformity using anatomical landmarks without image guidance. Podium Presentation. Spineweek 28May-1 June  2012


H Mehdian, T Hammett, B Boreham; Cervical Osteotomy in Ankylosing Spondylitis, publication, ESJ, December 2012


Boreham B., Ranganathan A., Mehdian H.;Comparison of clinical and radiological outcomes of three surgical techniques in Scheuermann’s kyphosis. Podium Presentation , Spineweek 28May-1 June  2012


Mehdian H., Boreham B.;  V-Y vertebral body osteotomy for the treatment of fixed flexion deformity of the spine. Poster Presentation; Spineweek 28May-1 June  2012 


Mousavi S.J., Montazeri A., Omidvari S., Mehdian H.;Translation and validation study of the persian version of the fear avoidance beliefs questionnaire Parnianpour M.; Iran & UK.;  Poster Presentation; Spineweek 28May-1 June  2012


Clamp J., Boreham B., Hammett T., Mehdian H.;Analysis of sagittal plane parameters following deformity correction in Scheuermann Kyphosis using ‘100% metal density’ posterior segmental screw fixation. Poster Presentation; Spineweek 28May-1 June  2012 


Mehdian H., Boreham B., Ranganathan A.; A safe, controlled, instrumented, reduction technique for cervical osteotomy in ankylosing spondylitis – An 18-year experience. Poster Presentation; Spineweek 28May-1 June  2012


Boreham B., Hammett T., Dabke H., Mehdian H.; Clinical outcomes of a novel French door cervical laminoplasty technique. Poster Presentation;Spineweek 28May-1 June  2012


Hammett T., Qurashi N.A., Mehdian H.;Postero-lateral transpedicular cervical corpectomy and stabilisation: Technical report .Poster Presentation; Spineweek 28May-1 June  2012 


Acess related complications in anterior lumbar surgery performed by spinal surgeons ; NS Quraishi, M Konig, H Mehdian ,M Shafafy, BM Boszczyk, MP Grevitt, JK Webb; presented in Britspine Newcastle April 2012 and Abstract published in Eurospine J April 2012


Segmental self growing rods constructs in the management of early onset neuromuscular scoliosis;H Mehdian, B Boreham, T Hammett, J Clamp, N Quraishi;  presented in Britspine  Newcastle April 2012 and Abstract published in Eurospine J April 2012


Rates of construct failure in lumbar pedicle subtraction osteotomy; J Brousil, JK Webb, H M Mehdian, MP Grevitt, BM  Boszczyk ;  presented in Britspine Newcastle April 2012 and  Abstract published in Eurospine J April 2012


Comparison of outcomes in three different lumbar osteotomy  techniques for correction of deformity in Ankylosing  spondylitis, H Mehdian, B Boreham, H Dabke, A Ranganathan; presented in Britspine Newcastle April 2012 and Abstract published in Eurospine J April 2012


Multimodality spinal cord monitoring in adult deformity  surgery; T Hammett, P Urwin, B Boreham, SMH Mehdian ;  presented in Britspine Newcastle April 2012 and Abstract  published in Eurospine J April 2012  


T Hammett, B Boreham, H Mehdian; Spinal cord monitoring in neuromuscular patients; presented in Britspine Newcastle  April 2012 and Abstract published in Eurospine J April 2012


B Boreham; A Ranganathan, H Mehdian; Comparison of clinical and radiological outcomes of three surgical techniques in scheuermann’s kyphosis presented in Britspine Newcastle April 2012 and Abstract published in Eurospine J April 2012


Schwab F, Ungar B, Blondel B, Buchowski J, Coe J, Deinlein D, DeWald C, Mehdian H, Shaffrey C, Tribus C, Lafage V Scoliosis Research Society-Schwab adult spinal deformity classification: a validation study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 May 20;37(12):1077-82.


Novak CB, Mehdian H, von Schroeder HP.Laxity of the ulnar nerve during elbow flexion and extension. J Hand Surg Am. 2012 Jun;37(6):1163-7.


Quraishi NA, Konig M, Booker SJ, Shafafy M, Boszczyk BM, Grevitt MP, Mehdian H, Webb JK. Access related complications in anterior lumbar surgery performed by spinal surgeons. Eur Spine J. 2013 Mar;22 Suppl 1:S16-20.


Quraishi NA, Hammett T, Salem KM, Mehdian H. The postero-lateral approach to the mid-cervical spine for metastatic spinal tumors: technical report. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2013 May;155(5):821-2.


Mehdian H, Elsayed S.Freehand correction of scoliosis in Rett's syndrome.
Eur Spine J. 2013 Mar;22(3):683-6.


Elmalky MM, Elsayed S, Arealis G, Mehdian H.Congenital C1 arch deficiency: Grand Round presentation. Eur Spine J. 2013 Jun;22(6):1223-6.


Sakthivel Rajan Rajaram Manoharan, N Quraishi, Deeshri Sureshkumar, Hossein Mehdian, Bronek Boszczyk
Thirty day mortality rate in the surgical treatment of metastatic spinal cord compression, Abstract published on European Spine Journal, Suppl 5, Sept 2013


Hoda Mahajer-Bastami, Ann Marriot, George Arealis, B Beeson, Nasir Quraishi, Hossein Mehdian
The Nottingham Questionnaire, A New tool to assess quality of life in   neuromuscular scoliosis. Abstract published on European Spine Journal, Suppl 5, Sept 2013


H Mehdian ,G Arealis, S Elsayed,  N Quraishi
Segmental Self Growing Rod Constructs in the Management of Early Onset
Neuromuscular Scoliosis,Abstract published in The Spine Journal ,vol 13, number 9S


Mehdian H, Elsayed S, Arealis G, Arun R
V-Y Vertebral Body Osteotomy for the Treatment of Fixed Flexion Deformity of the Spine, Abstract published in The Spine Journal, vol 13, number 9S


H Mehdian, S Elsayed, G Arealis, N Quraishi
Lowest Instrumented Vertebra Selection (LIV) in Lenke Type 1A Scoliosis Using Segmental Screw Fixation Abstract published in The Spine Journal, vol 13, number 9S


Guest Speaker, H Mehdian
Management of Low Back Pain, Iranian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, 14 October, 2013 Tehran


Guest speaker, Hossein Mehdian   
A percutaneous suction-irrigation technique for the  management of intervertebral discitis. Iranian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, 14 October, 2013 Tehran


Guest speaker, H Mehdian
Surgical Management of Symptomatic Thoracic Disc Prolapse, Iranian Orthopaedic Association Meeting, 14 October, 2013 Tehran


Oliver Stokes; Katherine Bowyer, Laura Goodger; H Mehdian
Incidence of false positive cord monitouring alerts in surgery for early onset scoliosis, ICEOS Meeting, November 21-22, 2013, San Diego


Oliver Stokes, H Mehdian
Long term effect of spinal fusion on lung function in EOS.
ICEOS Meeting, November 21-22, 2013, San Diego


Cervical Laminoplasty;
Hossein Mehdian
, Oliver M Stokes,
Euro Spine J (2014) 23:2759-2762,DOI 10.1007/S00586-014-3634


Combined thoracic and lumbar osteotomies for the correction of sagittal imbalance;
Hossein Mehdian
• Sherief Elsayed , Eur Spine Journal , 2014.


Surgical Treatment and Outcomes, Early Onset Neuromuscular Scoliosis, Book Chapter,Oxford Early Onset Scoliosis, Hossein Mehdian; Nasir Quraishi, in press


V-Y Vertebral body Osteotomy for the Treatment of Fixed Plane Spinal Deformity, Hossein Mehdian, Ranganthan Arun, Nick A.Aresti, The spine journal  2015.01.14


Growth Guided Instrumentation ( Luque Trolly); Jean A. Ouellet, MD, FRCSC, Catherine E.Ferland, PhD, Hossein Mehdian, MD, MA, FRCS; A Book chapter in Early Onset Scoliosis book, in press


Re-operation Rates in the Surgical Treatment of Spinal Metastases’
Nasir Quraishi, Hossein Mehdian, accepted for publication in The Spine Journal.


Intraoperative Neuromonitoring May not Predict all Postoperative Neurological Adverse Event in Adult Deformity Surgery, A Scoli-Risk Trial Subanalysis. Ferran Pellise, Montse Domingo –Sabat, Dulce Moncho. Kimia Rahnama, Michael Felings, Lawrence G Lenke, Christopher Shaffrey, Branko.


Growing rod construct for the treatment of early-onset scoliosis Hossein Mehdian • Oliver M. Stokes ; Eur Spine Journal, 2015 ; 24 suppl 5, S647-S651.


V-Y vertebral body osteotomy for the treatment of fixed sagittal plane Spinal deformity, Hossein Mehdian, Ranganathan Arun, PG Dip, Nick A Aresti, 
The Spine Journal 15 (2015) 771–776


Surgical correction of kyphotic deformity in a patient with Proteus syndrome: Radek Kaiser, MD, PhD*, Esin Rothenfluh, MD, Dominique Rothenfluh, MD, PhD,Eyal Behrbalk, MD, Ana Belen Perez Romera, MD, Oliver M. Stokes, FRCS (Tr & Orth), MSc, Hossein Mehdian, MD, MS(Orth), FRCS(Ed) ;
The Spine Journal ; April 2015


Surgical correction of kyphotic deformity in a patient with Proteus syndrome.
Kaiser R, Rothenfluh E, Rothenfluh D, Behrbalk E, Perez Romera AB, Stokes OM, Mehdian H.
Spine J. 2015 Jul 1;15(7):e5-e12. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2015.04.008.
Epub 2015 Apr 7.


Two Stage Correction of Rigid Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis:
Hossein Mehdian, Charlotte Montgomery, Oliver Stokes,
Eur Spine Journal, 19 May, 2015.


Posterior Spinal Fusion and Correction of Scheuermann Kyphosis;
Hossein Mehdian, Ashish Khurana, Oliver Stikes,
Eur Spine Journal, 19 May 2015. Eur Spine J (2015) 24 (Suppl 5):S660–S663


Can cervical parameters predict proximal junction kyphosis in scheuermann’s kyphosis? Luigi Aurelio Nasto Ana Perez Romera, Dr Shalabi, Mr Mehdian, Presented at CSRS-ES  Annual Meeting in London, 26th – 28th May 2015.


Growing rod construct for the treatment of early-onset scoliosis.
Mehdian H, Stokes OM.
Eur Spine J. 2015 Jun;24 Suppl 5:647-51. doi: 10.1007/s00586-015-3793-5.
No abstract available.


Management of spasticity and neuromuscular scoliosis in a single operative procedure, S. Muquit, Luigi Nasto, AB Perez Romera, H Mehdian, Abstract published at the British Journal of Neurosurgery, June 2015;


Combined selective dorsal rhizotomy and scoliosis correction procedure in patients with cerebral palsy.
Muquit S, Ammar A, Nasto L, Moussa AA, Mehdian H, Vloeberghs MH.
Eur Spine J. 2016 Feb;25(2):372-6. doi: 10.1007/s00586-015-4179-4.
Epub 2015 Aug 20.


Intraoperative Neuromonitoring May not Predict all Postoperative Neurological Adverse Event in Adult Deformity Surgery, A Scoli-Risk Trial Subanalysis. Ferran Pellise, Montse Domingo –Sabat, Dulce Moncho. Kimia Rahnama, Michael Felings, Lawrence G Lenke, Christopher Shaffrey, Branko .
Eurospine Meeting  2-4 September, 2015, Copenhagen


Can Spinopelvic Parameters Predict Proximal Junction Kyphosis
Following Correction of Scheuermann's Kyphosis?
Luigi Aurelio Nasto, Ana Belen Perez Romera, Eyal Behrbalk, Saggah Tarek Shalabi, Hossein Mehdian; Eurospine Meeting ; 2-4 September, 2015, Copenhagen


Can Spino-pelvic Parameters Predict Hardware Failure in Scheuermann's Kyphosis Patients ?
Eyal Behrbalk, Ofir Uri, Hossein Mehdian, Bronek Boszczyk, Masood Shafafy, Luigi Nasto, Radek Kaiser, Michael Grevitt. Eurospine Meeting 2-4 September, 2015, Copenhagen


Comparison of segmental pedicle screw versus hybrid constructs using sublaminar wires for deformity correction in cerebral palsy.
Hossein Mehdian, Luigi Nasto, Ana Belen Perez Romera, Oliver Stokes, EuroSpine Journal Vol24, Supplement 6, September 2015.


Can Spino-Pelvic Parameters Predict Haedware Failure in Scheuermann’s Kyphosis Patients? Eyal Behrbalk, Ofir Uri, Hossein Mehdian, Bronek Boszczyk, Masood Shafafy, Luigi Nasto, Radek Kaiser, Michael Grevitt.
EuroSpine Journal Vol24, Supplement 6, September 2015.


Kopjar, Kenneth Cheung, L Carreon, F Schwab, O, Boachie-Adjei, K Kebaish,
C Ames, Y Qiu, Y Matsuyama, B Dahl, H Mehdian. S Lewis S Bervern.
EuroSpine Journal Vol24, Supplement 6, September 2015.


Can MRI Predict Flexibility in Scheuermann Kyphosis Patients?
Kaiser R, Behrbalk E, Walsh M, Waldauf P, Perez Romera AB, Mehdian H.
J Spinal Disord Tech. 2015 Nov 12. [Epub ahead of print]


Correlation between preoperative spinopelvic alignment and risk of proximal junctional kyphosis after posterior-only surgical correction of Scheuermann kyphosis. Nasto LA, Perez-Romera AB, Shalabi ST, Quraishi NA, Mehdian H.
Spine J. 2016 Apr;16(4 Suppl):S26-33. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2015.12.100. Epub 2016 Feb 16.


Neurologic Outcomes of Complex Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Results of the Prospective, Multicenter Scoli-RISK-1 Study.
Lenke LG, Fehlings MG, Shaffrey CI, Cheung KM, Carreon L, Dekutoski MB, Schwab FJ, Boachie-Adjei O, Kebaish KM, Ames CP, Qiu Y, Matsuyama Y, Dahl BT, Mehdian H, Pellisé-Urquiza F, Lewis SJ, Berven SH.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 Feb;41(3):204-12.
doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001338.


Health-related quality of life in patients undergoing cervicothoracic osteotomies for fixed cervicothoracic kyphosis in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
Article: Apr 2016 Eurospine
Authors: J, Silviu Sabou, Dritan Pasku, Nasir A. Quraishi,  Hossein Mehdian


Sagittal alignment of the cervical spine following correction of Scheuermann kyphosis
Conference Paper: Apr 2016The Spine Journal
Authors: Luigi Aurelio Nasto, Ana Belen Perez-Romera, Saggah Tarek Shalabi, Hossein Mehdian


Congenital defects of C1 arches and odontoid process in a child with Down′s syndrome: A case presentation
Article: Apr 2016 - Journal of craniovertebral junction and spine
Authors: Catherine Hatzantonis, Samiul Muquit, Luigi Aurelio Nasto, Hossein Mehdian


The Effect of Post-Operative Complications in Complex Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery on Surgical Outcomes: an International, Large-scale, Prospective Multi-center Study
Article: Apr 2016 - Global Spine Journal
Authors: Kenneth M C Cheung, Cora Bow, Dino Samartzis, Lawrence Lenke, , Khaled M. Kebaish Christopher I. Shaffrey, Michael G. Fehlings, Benny Dahl, Christopher P. Ames, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Yong Qiu, ;Mehdian, Hossein; Pellisé-Urquiza, Ferran; Lewis, Stephen J.; Berven, Sigurd H.


Health related quality of life in patients undergoing cervico-thoracic osteotomies for fixed cervico-thoracic kyphosis in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
Conference Paper: Sep 2016 Scoliosis Research Society Meeting
Authors: Silviu Sabou,Dritan Pasku,Luca Boriani, Hossein Mehdian


Surgical management of thoracic disc herniation
Article: Sep 2016 - European Spine Journal
Authors: Hossein Mehdian, Luigi Aurelio Nasto


Impact of Depression on Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes in Surgically Treated Adult Spinal Deformity Patients: a ScoliRisk-1 Subanalysis
Article: Oct 2016The Spine Journal
Authors: Amit Jain, Lawrence Lenke, Leah Y. Carreon, Khaled M. Kebaish Christopher I. Shaffrey, Michael G. Fehlings, Benny Dahl, Christopher P. Ames, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Yong Qiu, Mehdian, Hossein; Pellisé-Urquiza, Ferran; Lewis, Stephen J.; Berven, Sigurd H


Incidence of Proximal Junctional Kyphosis in Patients with Adult Spinal Deformity Fused to the Pelvis: Analysis of 198 Patients
Article: Oct 2016,
Authors: Amit Jain, Floreana Naef ,Lawrence Lenke, Khaled M. Kebaish Christopher I. Shaffrey, Michael G. Fehlings, Benny Dahl, Christopher P. Ames, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Yong Qiu, ;Mehdian, Hossein; Pellisé-Urquiza, Ferran; Lewis, Stephen J.; Berven, Sigurd H.


Complications and Patient-Reported Outcomes of Primary versus Revision Surgery for Severe Adult Spinal Deformity: A ScoliRisk-1 Sub-Analysis
Article: Oct 2016 - The Spine Journal
Authors: Amit Jain, Floreana Naef, Lawrence Lenke, Khaled M. Kebaish Christopher I. Shaffrey, Michael G. Fehlings, Benny Dahl, Christopher P. Ames, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Yong Qiu, ;Mehdian, Hossein; Pellisé-Urquiza, Ferran; Lewis, Stephen J.; Berven, Sigurd H.


Effect of Age on Postoperative Complications and Patient Reported Outcomes in Severe Adult Spinal Deformity: Patients 60 Years
Article: Oct 2016 - The Spine Journal,
Authors: Amit Jain, Lawrence G. Lenke, Christopher I. Shaffrey, Michael G. Fehlings, Benny Dahl, Christopher P. Ames, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Yong Qiu, ;Mehdian, Hossein; Pellisé-Urquiza, Ferran; Lewis, Stephen J.; Berven, Sigurd H.


Paraspinal muscle volume in patients with Scheuermann’s Kyphosis
Article: Nov 2016 - Acta Orthopaedica Belgica
Authors: Radek Kaiser, Eyal Behrbalk, Petr Waldauf, Hossein Mehdian


Distal junctional kyphosis in patients with Scheuermann’s disease: a retrospective radiographic analysis
Article: Dec 2016 - European Spine Journal,
Authors: Amir GhasemiTimo StübigLuigi Aurelio Nasto, Hossein Mehdian


Clinical outcome and safety study of a newly developed instrumented French-door cervical laminoplasty technique
Article: Jan 2017 - Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Authors: Luigi Aurelio NastoSamiul MuquitAna Belen Perez-Romera, Hossein Mehdian


Erratum to: Distal junctional kyphosis in patients with Scheuermann’s disease: a retrospective radiographic analysis
Article: Feb 2017 - European Spine Journal
Authors: Amir Ghasemi, Timo Stubig, Luigi Aurelio Nasto, Hossein Mehdian       


Predictors of Health-Related Quality-of-Life After Complex Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Scoli-RISK-1 Secondary Analysis
Article: Mar 2017
Authors: Leah Y. Carreon, Steven D. Glassman, Fehlings, Michael G.; Shaffrey, Christopher I. Lawrence Lenke; Cheung, Kenneth M.C.; Carreon, Leah; Dekutoski, Mark B.; Schwab, Frank J.; Boachie-Adjei, Oheneba; Kebaish, Khaled M.; Ames, Christopher P.; Qiu, Yong; Matsuyama, Yukihiro; Dahl, Benny T.; Mehdian, Hossein; Pellisé-Urquiza, Ferran; Lewis, Stephen J.; Berven, Sigurd H.


Analysis of cervical sagittal alignment change following correction of thoracic and thoracolumbar Scheuermann’s kyphosis
Article: Mar 2017 - European Spine Journal
Authors: Luigi Aurelio Nasto, Saggah Tarek Shalabi, Ana Belen Perez-Romera, Hossein Mehdian


Can MRI Predict Flexibility in Scheuermann Kyphosis Patients?
Article: Aug 2017 Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques
Authors: Radek Kaiser, Eyal Behrbalk,  Michael Walsh, Hossein Mehdian


Characteristics of Deformity Surgery for Patients with Rigid Cervical Kyphosis: Results of an International Multicenter Study
Article: Oct 2017 - The Spine Journal
Authors: Justin S. Smith, Christopher P. Ames, Christopher I. Shaffrey, Hossein Mehdian, Richard Ferch, Ronald Bartels, Johannes Schroder, Tomoaki Toyone


Single-stage posterior reduction and instrumented fusion of high-grade L5–S1 Spondylolithesis
Article: Nov 2017 - European Spine Journal
Authors: Hossein Mehdian, Luigi Aurelio Nasto


263. An Analysis of the Incidence and Outcomes of Major vs. Minor Neurological Decline after Complex Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Sub-analysis of Scoli-RISK-1 Study
Article: Nov 2017 – Spine 
Authors: So Kato,Lenke, Lawrence G.; Fehlings, Michael G.; Shaffrey, Christopher I.; Cheung, Kenneth M.C.; Carreon, Leah; Dekutoski, Mark B.; Schwab, Frank J.; Boachie-Adjei, Oheneba; Kebaish, Khaled M.; Ames, Christopher P.; Qiu, Yong; Matsuyama, Yukihiro; Dahl, Benny T.; Mehdian, Hossein; Pellisé-Urquiza, Ferran; Lewis, Stephen J.; Berven, Sigurd H.